Lisa Myers Bulmash

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Top three reasons I'm glad I sent in that juried show application

First off: I won a prize! A goooood one.
I couldn't attend the closing reception of ICON, so when I picked up my artwork last week I didn't know I'd also take home a promise of $100 worth of Golden art supplies!
The gallery owners said they chose me to receive the award to encourage me to continue making art and experimenting. (Just in time. I'm running low on matte gel medium.)
Second: not being disappointed in myself that no one bought the pieces. Yet. They have not sold yet.

Third reason: taking chances. Sometimes I let my inner critic discourage me, before I even get started, from asking directly for something I want. Don't push your luck -- you're not going to get into back-to-back exhibitions. Oh, just put one piece on the application; they'd never take both. Ha. Take that.

What art-related risk are you thinking of taking? Tell me in the comments and I'll cheer you on.