Last night, I found out I made it into a new group show by the skin of my nose.
The Arts Council of Snohomish County (now at the Schack Art Center) hosts a biennial juried art show that's wide open to a range of mediums and styles. The new center is a beautiful space...
... you might remember it from when I took the kids to the grand opening.
As I was looking to sign The Boy up for a class, I saw the call for art. You could submit three entries, either three views of one piece or three separate artworks. So I figured, hey, I've got three pieces that could work.
The notification date was June ninth. So I checked my email. And checked again. Then humbly called the center to ask if the notifications had gone out yet. Rinse, repeat.
The first notification hit my mailbox sometime around 6pm. "No thank you. But hey, feel free to come to the opening reception." I open my mouth to whine and the second notification says, "Congratulations! Yes, we want this piece to be in the show!"
Seconds later, the third email: "Sorry, pal."
Once it all sank in, I felt like someone had pulled me back from a curb just before a car mowed me down. Snatched from the jaws of defeat. And while I was entering the competition, I'd missed that this show only happens every two years. Like the Whitney Museum does, only not as high profile. Whoa.
Opening reception is Thursday, June 30th, from 5pm to 8pm. I'm thinking of bringing a present for one of my readers who joins me at the reception [dangling freebie in front of your nose]... More details soon.
The Arts Council of Snohomish County (now at the Schack Art Center) hosts a biennial juried art show that's wide open to a range of mediums and styles. The new center is a beautiful space...
... you might remember it from when I took the kids to the grand opening.
As I was looking to sign The Boy up for a class, I saw the call for art. You could submit three entries, either three views of one piece or three separate artworks. So I figured, hey, I've got three pieces that could work.
The notification date was June ninth. So I checked my email. And checked again. Then humbly called the center to ask if the notifications had gone out yet. Rinse, repeat.
The first notification hit my mailbox sometime around 6pm. "No thank you. But hey, feel free to come to the opening reception." I open my mouth to whine and the second notification says, "Congratulations! Yes, we want this piece to be in the show!"
Seconds later, the third email: "Sorry, pal."
Once it all sank in, I felt like someone had pulled me back from a curb just before a car mowed me down. Snatched from the jaws of defeat. And while I was entering the competition, I'd missed that this show only happens every two years. Like the Whitney Museum does, only not as high profile. Whoa.
Opening reception is Thursday, June 30th, from 5pm to 8pm. I'm thinking of bringing a present for one of my readers who joins me at the reception [dangling freebie in front of your nose]... More details soon.