New art in town
TwoBoo, The Boy and I invited my neighbor and her little people to the opening of the new Schack Art Center. It's got like forty different kinds of awesome inside: a hot shop for glass blowing...
student and professional exhibit space...
Even TwoBoo was willing to scribble a little...
when he wasn't daring me to turn my head while he was near the cookie table. I also invited my neighbor Christi, to help her get over the terror of caring for a two-year-old and a newborn alone, all day, for the first time.
She's still standing!
The Schack, as they're calling it, is the new home for the organization-formerly-known-as-the-Arts-Council-of-Snohomish-County and its various offerings.
I did try to look a little closer at the latest exhibit, "The Nature of Glass."
But I had to let some woman with a really shaky hand take all the photos. Plus TwoBoo wanted to dash off to play with the invitingly fragile glass balls, so it was a little hard for