Where to find my art
I've been having a great time venturing out in public (the physical, real-world public) with my art these past few months, and I especially want to thank everyone who's come to my book signings.
Some of the people I've met have also asked where they can see more of my art. For the moment, the two best places are right here:
or to finished work. "Artfest" and "Art and Soul Portland" show both the work I've done in classes as well as pieces I've done using techniques learned at those retreats.
Search: There's a search box at the very top left of this blog... works like any other search engine.
Flickr: See the "I made that" widget in the right-hand column of the blog? Click there to go directly to my photostream. Today I added photos of my "Dollhouses" rooms, pictures you can't find in the book.
I'm also working on building a portfolio site, which will link to this here blog as well. EDIT: Some of my dollhouse rooms are for sale. Email me at yolisalisa (at) gmail and we'll talk.
I hope I've also encouraged you to plunge in and make your own art, like Ms. Batts here.
Yes, that's her real name. She owns that name!
She's been inspired by my work in Mixed Media Dollhouses, and she's kicking around the idea of a bat-themed dollhouse of her own. Since bats hang upside down to rest, I suggested she put everything that's usually on the floor, on the ceilings of her dollhouse. If she makes it a reality, I'll post pics here too.
Again, thanks for hanging with me. Come back tomorrow and comment during the weekly snarkfest on "Work of Art." Remember, these reality shows don't make fun of themselves!
Some of the people I've met have also asked where they can see more of my art. For the moment, the two best places are right here:
- in the blog posts (click a label, or search for specific words)
- through my Flickr page -- search for YoLisaLisa's photostream.
or to finished work. "Artfest" and "Art and Soul Portland" show both the work I've done in classes as well as pieces I've done using techniques learned at those retreats.
Flickr: See the "I made that" widget in the right-hand column of the blog? Click there to go directly to my photostream. Today I added photos of my "Dollhouses" rooms, pictures you can't find in the book.
I'm also working on building a portfolio site, which will link to this here blog as well. EDIT: Some of my dollhouse rooms are for sale. Email me at yolisalisa (at) gmail and we'll talk.
I hope I've also encouraged you to plunge in and make your own art, like Ms. Batts here.
Yes, that's her real name. She owns that name!
She's been inspired by my work in Mixed Media Dollhouses, and she's kicking around the idea of a bat-themed dollhouse of her own. Since bats hang upside down to rest, I suggested she put everything that's usually on the floor, on the ceilings of her dollhouse. If she makes it a reality, I'll post pics here too.
Again, thanks for hanging with me. Come back tomorrow and comment during the weekly snarkfest on "Work of Art." Remember, these reality shows don't make fun of themselves!