I am a visual artist working in collage, assemblage sculpture and altered books. My practice explores identity, memory and the history of the African diaspora. Vintage and contemporary images collide to convey how the past informs the present.

Lisa Myers Bulmash, artist in action

Lisa Myers Bulmash, artist in action

You know you can find me on Facebook, but when’s the last time you saw me there on someone else’s feed?

I’m partnering with Blick Art Materials as a guest artist! This week, I showed viewers how to make a gel skin image transfer for use in a collage. Guest artists do a live technique demonstration on Thursdays at 4pm CST at the Blick Creative Community page. If you’d like to see me live the next time, just ask to join the group. In the meantime… enjoy!

I like new art in June... how about you?

I like new art in June... how about you?

The perfect Mother's Day experience

The perfect Mother's Day experience