"The Red List" is the hot ticket for October
Ya know what’s worth braving cold temperatures and work week fatigue? A roomful of butterflies and moths… and the people who love them.
Ghost Gallery’s opening reception for “The Red List” was pleasantly packed, partly thanks to The Stranger recommending the exhibit as a hot pick. I met lots of new people, and old friends also showed up to see my collages in person. Which reminds me…
The gallery is open every day except Mondays. So you get nearly a whole month to decide which moths or butterflies you’d like to give a new home.
Checkerspot butterflies (which also appear in my collages) by Amber Anderson & Kira Rae Luongo
Bonus: part of your purchase will help protect the threatened current habitats of these endangered animals. The gallery will donate a percentage of sales to the Xerces Society’s conservation work. So if it’s just too chilly at night to see the show, tomorrow’s a new, warmer day to drop by. Just follow this handy guide to finding Ghost Gallery… oh, and save a cupcake for me.