I am a visual artist working in collage, assemblage sculpture and altered books. My practice explores identity, memory and the history of the African diaspora. Vintage and contemporary images collide to convey how the past informs the present.

On with the show! Onyx 9th Annual Fall Show

Fall at my castle means openings: school for The Boy, and a group art show for me!
I'm one of the featured artists in the ninth annual Onyx Fine Arts Collective show! You might remember I exhibited with Onyx at Seattle City Hall in April and May. This show will also be downtown, at the A/NT Gallery (formerly known as the Art/ Not Terminal gallery).
Photos from A/NT Gallery website
The artist reception will be held in the Sub-Terranean ("Sub-T") Room, this wide-open space with an industrial feel, below the entry-level floor.
And best of all, the artists' reception is scheduled for the weekend AFTER the first day of school. So the back-to-school madness will be over, and I'll have had a few hours of rest before the reception. Details:

WHEN: Sunday, September 8th, 2pm-5pm
WHERE: Sub-T Room of the A/NT Gallery, 2045 Westlake Avenue, Seattle
RSVP: Give me something extra to look forward to -- your smiling face! RSVP on my Facebook Page.

The exhibit will be open until September 28th, so if you're downtown, please stop by -- and tag me if you post pictures!

First day of school, latest day of letting go

Hello, art collectors!