Lisa Myers Bulmash

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Onyx at Seattle City Hall: Look who's on the exhibit poster!

The other night I got a call from the Onyx Fine Arts Collective's graphic designer... and guess whose collage portrait was chosen for the exhibit poster in Seattle City Hall?
Credit: Al Doggett
Mineminemine MINE! [ dances around deliriously] I know, my newness is showing. But I am new to this honor. The designer,  Al Doggett, also told me my collage, "The Land is Ours, Papa" is also going to grace the promotional post cards. Whee!
Thank goodness The Husband encouraged me to enter this piece in this show, even while I'm in the midst of prep for my solo show. Guess over-committing worked out after all.

The reception will be in April, but the show itself will start in a matter of days. If you'll be in downtown Seattle, here are the details:

EXHIBIT DATES: Wednesday, March 6 until Wednesday, May 1, 2013
RECEPTION: Come meet me and the other artists on Thursday, April 4, 2013, 4pm-6pm
WHERE: Seattle City Hall, 600 Fourth Ave., Seattle

Time to pack up the artwork -- we hang the pieces next week!