Lisa Myers Bulmash

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Living in the eternal present

Do you think Albert Einstein unintentionally warned us about how much quarantine sucks, even though he was talking about living in the moment? “Life is a preparation for the future, and the best preparation for the future is to live as if there were none.”

It sure feels like we’re living in a Never-ending Now. I go to the studio, but it’s all I can do to complete just one task. It wasn’t until this morning that I remembered something due to happen in the future: I’m expecting a new collector to send me the final installment payment for the “Blue-Rare” collage.

I sent the first invoice at the end of December 2019, and I’m immensely grateful for the payments. But right now something else is more important to me: this collage ties me to a past, present and future. Time is moving forward. Glacially, but still moving. So maybe there will be a day when the COVID-19 quarantine ends… maybe?