Lisa Myers Bulmash

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How to stay sane -- not just busy -- during COVID-19 quarantine

Week four of COVID-19 quarantine: not sure if I’m staying sane, or just busy. Is there a difference?

I’ve completed two Facebook Live webcasts this week for SOL(idarity) TV, a group where we share video content of our lives and creative pursuits to take the edge off sheltering-in-place. Then I’ve posted the recorded video to my YouTube channel. Studio time + tech skills refinement = my idea of a work day right now.

It’s been fun, but is that all there is? My dear friend Alicia Harvey challenged me with a simple question: How are you finding peace? Not ‘how are you occupying yourself’ but ‘how are you treating yourself during this historic and traumatic time?’

My number one go-to activity: losing myself in a book. I’ve also purchased artwork online when I can. And during “spring break,” I’m not hounding my kids to finish school work.

How have you been keeping it together? Let me know, on Facebook or Instagram.