If you’ve ever dreamed about seeing a butterfly swarm up close…
… you’re in luck. Next month, you can see a gallery-full in “Red List: Moths & Butterflies” at Ghost Gallery. And when I say ‘gallery-full’, I mean it — I’m one of 60 artists showing work in this exhibit. Have you seen the endangered butterflies in my “Rare & Exquisite” series in person?
Detail of dotted skipper-human hybrid, “Rare & Exquisite #4” by Lisa Myers Bulmash
This one, based on the dotted skipper, is part of Ghost Gallery’s show on endangered moths and butterflies in Canada, the United States and Mexico. A percentage of proceeds from the show will benefit the Xerces Society’s work to protect these animals and their habitats.
“Nightshade Pillow” by Carmen Cano (via Ghost Gallery)