I can give my crossed fingers a rest now: “Relatively Progressive” now belongs to the city of Shoreline!
The city will add my collage to its permanent art collection! In addition to my work centering the civil rights leader Edwin Pratt, Shoreline acquired two other pieces from the “Living the Dream” exhibit: Kemba Opio’s “Sunday Living”…
… and “A Brighter Tomorrow” by Vincent Keele.
Vincent Keele with Sarah Haycox, who helped name a Shoreline early education center after Edwin Pratt
I’m so thrilled to have created a collage that speaks to the African American presence in Shoreline, as well as the city’s present-day reckoning with its past. Public art coordinator and curator David Francis and I have had some illuminating conversations in that regard. And I’m grateful to the Black Heritage Society of Washington, which holds the original image of Edwin Pratt I used in “Relatively Progressive.”